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Typescript Union Type and Interface

I am new in typescript, i don't understand why interface is not declare in object when i call an array or function property. if i call it form any object then array or function property getting error.

where i'm use address property as string then i declare interface in makeNewEmployee object then there are no error. i'm little bit confused about that.

here is my code

interface makeAnything{
    address:string| string[]| (()=>string);

/// address as string
let makeNewEmployee:makeAnything = {

here i'm use makeAnything interface in my makeNewEmployee object and declare address property as function , why i get error in console?

    ///address as function
let makeSingleEmployee:makeAnything = {
    user:'Miraje hossain',
            addr:"road 4,house 3",
console.log(makeSingleEmployee.address()); ///getting error

You can use type guards to help the compiler know that address is a function. See type guards .


// string or string[] cannot be instances of Function. So the compiler infers that `address` must be (()=>string)
if (makeSingleEmployee.address instanceof Function) {

// typeof makeSingleEmployee.address will be "function" when address is a function
if (typeof makeSingleEmployee.address != "string"  && typeof makeSingleEmployee.address != "object" ) {

Or if you know for sure address is a function, you can cast it to any :

console.log((makeSingleEmployee as any).address());

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