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Shopify API - Response code = 429. Response message = Too Many Requests

I am working with Shopify API with rails. But I am getting an error. I don't know why this error showing.

ActiveResource::ClientError: Failed.  Response code = 429.  Response message = Too Many Requests.

I have followed this tutorial: https://help.shopify.com/api/getting-started/api-call-limit . Here is my code:

cycle = 0.5

product_count = ShopifyAPI::Product.count
nb_pages      = (product_count / 250.0).ceil

start_time = Time.now
1.upto(nb_pages) do |page|
    unless page == 1
        stop_time = Time.now
        processing_duration = stop_time - start_time
        wait_time = (cycle - processing_duration).ceil
        sleep wait_time if wait_time > 0
        start_time = Time.now

    if product_list == 'all'
        products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find( :all, :params => { :limit => 250, :page => page } )
    elsif product_list.include? 'category'
        product_list.slice! "category"
        products = ShopifyAPI::Product.where(:collection_id => product_list, :limit => 250, :page => page )
        products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, params: {ids: product_list})

    products.each do |product|
        variants = Array.new
        metafields = Array.new
        product.variants.each do |variant|
            variants << variant
            metafields << product.metafields
            if variant.title.include? "+"
            quantity.each_with_index  do |q, i|

                unless customer_tag.to_s.strip.empty?
                    variants << {
                                    "title"=>"c #{variant.title} #{q}+",
                                    "price"=> price_calculate(calculation_type, discount_value[i], variant.price),
                                    "option1"=>"c #{variant.option1} #{q}+",
                                    "created_at"=> Time.now,
                                    "updated_at"=> Time.now,
                                    "taxable"=> variant.taxable,
                                    "weight"=> variant.weight,
                                    "weight_unit"=> "#{variant.weight_unit}",
                                    "requires_shipping"=> variant.requires_shipping
                    variants << {
                                    "title"=>"#{variant.title} #{q}+",
                                    "price"=> price_calculate(calculation_type, discount_value[i], variant.price),
                                    "option1"=>"#{variant.option1} #{q}+",
                                    "created_at"=> Time.now,
                                    "updated_at"=> Time.now,
                                    "taxable"=> variant.taxable,
                                    "weight"=> variant.weight,
                                    "weight_unit"=> "#{variant.weight_unit}",
                                    "requires_shipping"=> variant.requires_shipping



        unless customer_tag.to_s.strip.empty?
            metafields << {
                            "namespace": "customer_tag",
                            "key": "#{customer_tag}",
                            "value": "#{customer_tag}",
                            "value_type": "string"

        product.variants = variants
        product.metafields = metafields

Why it's showing Shopify API Limit error ? I made only 1 API call by following their tutorial. Please any idea ..

Shopify follows leaky bucket algorithm, which means that it allows infrequent bursts of calls. But you need to average 0.5 seconds/call. These are the methods corresponding to different API calls in your script:

  1. ShopifyAPI::Product.find
  2. product.metafields
  3. product.save

Only the first call is being managed using the timing manager that you have written above. The next two calls will also need to be a part of it.

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