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Get an item of array in javascript

I have a function, who works fine, but when success i get data, and this data is an array.

success: function(data) {

this data return :

{"idResultat":172825,"idClientCat":1,"idClientLegende":"Tiers L\u00e9gitime","couleurCat":"#0062bd","couleurText":"#FFF"}

But when i try to get for example 'couleurCat', i have undefined. I have try like this :


but always undefined

You need to restructure your string as JSON before you can access elements. To access the JSON object in JavaScript, parse it with JSON.parse() , and access it via . or [] .

In your case, try using:


.Try to parse the string JSON.parse(data) and try to access it.


 data= JSON.parse(data)

You said " but when success i get data, and this data is an array. " So you should be trying


You will have to specify the index of array then access the property.

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