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Winforms list to datagridview but no content

I need a little help using winforms.

I have a datagridview and in code behind I set its datasource:

public ContactExporter(IEnumerable<ContactItem> contacts)
    BindingList<ContactItem> contactItems = new BindingList<ContactItem>(contacts.ToList());
    contactsGrid.DataSource = contactItems;

ContactItem documentation: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff867603.aspx

I have three columns with the DataPropertyNames LastName , FirstName and CompanyName , but every single cell is empty (rows are existing).

ContactItem and _ContactItem are interfaces belong to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook. You cannot use them to binding data on DataGridView.


Create a Class with such properties that you need to show on DataGridView. Then, you wrap ContactItem by that Class.

public class MyContactItem : ContactItem
    public string MyFirstName { get{ return FirstName;} }

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