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How to detect face orientation changes on live preview ,face detection android

我正在使用google-face detection API开发应用程序,我使用了示例项目,我需要的是,我想根据面部方向的变化来添加叠加图像(蒙版),例如:如果将面部旋转到右侧或我想通过获取坐标值来更新覆盖的图像。如何执行此操作?任何人都可以帮忙。

I have solved this issue by taking Euler Z value of detected face.I am posting my code:

I have rotated the rectangle and the mask bitmap on detected face when orientation changes;

RectF dest = new RectF((int) left, (int) top, (int) right, (int) bottom);

        Matrix m = new Matrix();


Rotated bitmap.

public Bitmap rotate_bitmap(Bitmap bmp,float degree){
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();


    return Bitmap.createBitmap(bmp , 0, 0, bmp .getWidth(), bmp .getHeight(), matrix, true);

Drawing rotated mask on canvas.

            canvas.drawBitmap(rotate_bitmap(faceTrackerActivity.getBitmapItem("face"),face.getEulerZ()), null, dest, null);

Also, set FAST MODE to face detector.

FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector.Builder(context)


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