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index.php is not loading by default in apache2

I just installed Ubuntu 17.04 and set up my LAMP server w/ PHP7 and the PHP modules enabled for Apache2.

When I go to http://localhost/ it defaults to the index.html that is present in /var/www/html and not the index.php that is there. When I go to http://localhost/index.php the php file loads just fine and the php script executes.

In looking at other posts ( index.php not loading by default ) I saw that the preferred solution is to edit the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf file to move the index.php before the index.html in the DirectoryIndex entry.

<IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.cgi index.pl index.xhtml index.htm

So I did this and saved the file as sudo, restarted the apache service as well as tried restarting the computer and it still serves the index.html first. Any idea? Should I use the .htaccess file solution instead? Thanks!

当您转到http://localhost/尝试按Ctrl + F5时,这可能是浏览器中的缓存问题。

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