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Angular 2 with *ngFor and ngIf to hide first element

In Angular 2, I got a list of items and based on a given condition (ie based on location number) I am setting the list to repeat.

I need to hide the " remove text " for the first box each location.

Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/xtX5BjTBjO61sD2tLwWN?p=preview :


[1]: https://plnkr.co/edit/xtX5BjTBjO61sD2tLwWN?p=preview

 import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ` <ul *ngFor="let locdata of locations"> <template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items"; let-i=index> <div *ngIf="item.location==locdata.location"> <div class="title"> location {{ item.location}} <span *ngIf="isNotFirst(item)"> remove </span> </div> <div class="container"> {{ item.sedule}}</div> </div> </template> </ul> ` }) export class App { items: string[]; isNotFirst(item: any) { return this.items.filter(i => i.location === item.location).map(i => i.id).indexOf(item.id) !== 0; } locations:any; constructor() { this.locations=[{location:1},{location:2},{location:3}]; this.items = [{ id:1, location:1, sedule:1 }, { id:2, location:2, sedule:1 }, { id:3, location:1, sedule:2 }, { id:4, location:2, sedule:2 }, { id:5, location:1, sedule:2 }, { id:6, location:2, sedule:3 }, { id:7, location:3, sedule:1 }, { id:8, location:3, sedule:2 }, { id:9, location:3, sedule:3 }]; } } 

assume you have a <span> in *ngFor logic, you can use first from *ngFor and show/hide <span> by *ngIf

<div *ngFor="let item in data; let first=first;">
  <span *ngIf="!first">

your working plunker .

 import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ` <ul *ngFor="let locdata of locations"> <template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="items"; let-i=index> <div *ngIf="item.location==locdata.location"> <div class="title"> location {{ item.location}} <span *ngIf="isNotFirst(item)"> remove </span> </div> <div class="container"> {{ item.sedule}}</div> </div> </template> </ul> ` }) export class App { items: string[]; isNotFirst(item: any) { return this.items.filter(i => i.location === item.location).map(i => i.id).indexOf(item.id) !== 0; } locations:any; constructor() { this.locations=[{location:1},{location:2},{location:3}]; this.items = [{ id:1, location:1, sedule:1 }, { id:2, location:2, sedule:1 }, { id:3, location:1, sedule:2 }, { id:4, location:2, sedule:2 }, { id:5, location:1, sedule:2 }, { id:6, location:2, sedule:3 }, { id:7, location:3, sedule:1 }, { id:8, location:3, sedule:2 }, { id:9, location:3, sedule:3 }]; } } 

After doing some deciphering of your template, I think that your basic html for a single item in your items collection looks like:

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
      <h4>Syntax 1</h4>
          <div class="title"> 
             location  {{ item.location}} 
             <span *ngIf="true">remove</span> 
          <div class="container">
             {{ item.sedule}}
export class App { .... }

If that's your basic template for a single item, you can then use *ngFor stamp out multiple versions of this HTML, one for each item in your items collection.

That gives you a template that looks like:

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
      <h4>Syntax 1</h4>
       <div *ngFor="let item of items">
          <div class="title"> 
             location  {{ item.location}} 
             <span *ngIf="true">remove</span> 
          <div class="container">
             {{ item.sedule}}
export class App { .... }

The final piece to the puzzle is that you only want to show the remove text for a specific item in the collection - namely the first item. Thankfully, ngFor has a solution to this very same problem - you can ask ngFor to tell you the index of the current item in the list of items. You can make use of that index to show or hide the 'remove' text. Since the first item will have an index of 0, then your ngIf test will test against that value.

That gives you:

    selector: 'app',
    template: `
      <h4>Syntax 1</h4>
       <div *ngFor="let item of items; let i=index;">
          <div class="title"> 
             location  {{ item.location}} 
             <span *ngIf="i != 0">remove</span> 
          <div class="container">
             {{ item.sedule}}
export class App { .... }

Notice the change in the ngFor statement - by using let i=index , you're creating a local template variable i that will be mapped to the current index of the item being output by ngFor . Then you can test against that value to show/hide an element if needed.

(Note that in addition to index , ngFor provides first , last , even and odd variables that you could also make use of. I used index in this example because it has the most wide reaching usage, but you could've easily used first for this use case.

See the documentation for more info about ngFor

See here:


You need condition like:

*ngIf="i !== 1"

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