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How to assign custom dispatcher in java-akka using parent actor context?

I created an actor system in java using akka, in the following way. Also I created the supervisor actor.

final ActorSystem system = getSystem(); system.actorOf(Props.create(Supervisor.class), Supervisor.NAME);

I updated the default dispatcher in the following way.

akka {
      default-dispatcher {
        # Dispatcher is the name of the event-based dispatcher
        type = Dispatcher
        # What kind of ExecutionService to use
        executor = "fork-join-executor"
        # Configuration for the fork join pool
        fork-join-executor {
          # Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
          parallelism-min = 256
          # Parallelism (threads) ... ceil(available processors * factor)
          parallelism-factor = 40.0
          # Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
          parallelism-max = 512
        # Throughput defines the maximum number of messages to be
        # processed per actor before the thread jumps to the next actor.
        # Set to 1 for as fair as possible.
        throughput = 1

The problem Im facing is when I write a custom dispatcher for a particular actor. In that it does not recognize the pattern of the actor

You need to add the "deployment" section to your config.


ActorRef myActor =


akka.actor.deployment {
  /myactor {
    dispatcher = my-dispatcher

Look at the documentation

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