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JQuery drag and drop not working in firefox but works in chrome and and IE

            document.getElementById("image-div").style.borderColor = "#E6E6E6";
            return false;
            document.getElementById("image-div").style.borderColor = "#9B9999";
            return false;
            event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault();
            var files = event.dataTransfer.files[0];
            if (files.type.match("image.*"))
            var fileReader = new FileReader();
            fileReader.onload = function (event)
            return false;

Don't know what is wrong in my code. It is working for Chrome and IE. When Ii drop an image I need to drop it in a div but instead, it opens in a tab.

Because you defined event as e, but using window.event.

 jQuery("#image-div").on('drop',function(e){ <-- e
   event.preventDefault && event.preventDefault(); <-event


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