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How to connect to postgresql from files?

Ok, so I have a client who has a postgresql database. He sent me the files (they look like this: http://prntscr.com/fbyz2l ).

I have PGAdmin 4 on my windows 10 box. I also have postgres installed locally.

I have the database name and login information... but I can't figure out how to connect to the database.

I am guessing it is pretty simple, but I am having a tough time googling the right thing to get some help.


I am still hunting this, but my feeling is the files are not the right format to import or bring onto my localhost. I am asking for a backup file that PGAdmin can make. If anyone has input on this, I am all ears.

Update 2

So I copied all the files to C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\data\\pg96\\base

Restarted the server. When I do a

   psql -h "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\data\pg96\base" -l

I get this:


I can connect to template1 and postgres, but neither of them is my database (184429). Ugh...


These files are basically copy of the postgres DB . You need to restore it on your machine . You can find default path of postgres DB on C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\some version\\data location . Place the root of these files within that directory and restart your postgres service .

After that you can find new database in your PGAdmin .

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