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Format text controls on pdf using iTextSharp and C#

I have a pdf document where I am filling all the values using the below code.

using(MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
  // Fill the PDF with the XFA
  using(PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(oInPDF, ms))
    stamper.Writer.CloseStream = false;
    XfaForm.SetXfa(oXFA, stamper.Reader, stamper.Writer);

 // Code for Flatten the filled PDF.

I am trying to draw a box in red around the value displayed to highlight when the values are not in the expected range. I would like to know, how do I locate the position of a control on a pdf page using iTextSharp and C#.

Any help or info on this, much appreciated.

Many Thanks.

Finally managed to draw borders around controls with below code.

XmlDocument newXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
newXMLDoc.LoadXml(@"<border><edge thickness=""1.3mm""><color value=""0, 0, 255""/></edge></border>");

if (Rs.Rows.Count > 0)
    foreach (DataRow query in Rs.Rows)
            if (oXFA.DomDocument.SelectSingleNode("//t:*[@name='" + Rs[0] + "']", oNameSpace) != null)
                XmlNode newNode = 
oXFA.DomDocument.ImportNode(newXMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("border"), true);
oXFA.DomDocument.SelectSingleNode("//t:*[@name='" + Rs[0] + "']", oNameSpace).AppendChild(newNode);

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