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How to access php session file variable or data in javascript?

I have a php session file with name 'script1.php' which contains '$position' array. I want to access the value of this array in javascript file. I tried using this "$.get('script1.php', function ( data ) { var x = data;});" command and in 'data' variable i get {"Longitude": 12.917186, "Latitude": 50.831356} this kind of result , but I need to access only integer, how can i access the integer value. I have uploaded the php code. can someone please help me how to solve this problem i am new to the php.

// Start the session
$i = $_SESSION["i"];
$i = 0;

// Set session variables
$position = array

 array(50.831118,  12.916574),
 array(50.831118,  12.918574), 
 array(50.831356,  12.917186),
 array(50.831604,  12.917834),
 array(50.831763,  12.918172),
 array(50.831916,  12.918603),
 array(50.832825,  12.918413),
 array(50.833206,  12.918303),
 array(50.832825,  12.918413),
 array(50.831916,  12.918603),
 array(50.831763,  12.918172),
 array(50.831604,  12.917834),
 array(50.831356,  12.917186),
 array(50.831118,  12.918574), 
 array(50.831118,  12.916574)


 echo '{"Longitude": '.$position[$i][1].', "Latitude": '.$position[$i]

 if($i > count($position)){
 $i = 0;

 $_SESSION["i"] = $i;

JavaScript code

$.get('script1.php', function ( data ) 
var x = data;

value stored in data variable {"Longitude": 12.917186, "Latitude": 50.831356}

Output the variable you want, remove the other echo.

echo json_encode(array('i' => $_SESSION["i"]));

Use getJSON and access the variable.

$.getJSON('script1.php', function ( data ) 
    console.log( data.i );

Sidenote: never manually build JSON like you have. Always create a data structure and then JSON encode it because that handles any escaping and special characters.

You can't get the session-variable in JS. You had to store the needed content in an (hidden) input field or use ajax for it

Rather than manually creating json, you should use phps json_encode on an array/object with the structure you require. You should also set the correct content type header, then jquery will automatically parse the result:

// Start the session
    $i = $_SESSION["i"];
    $i = 0;

// Set session variables
$position = array

 array(50.831118,  12.916574),
 array(50.831118,  12.918574), 
 array(50.831356,  12.917186),
 array(50.831604,  12.917834),
 array(50.831763,  12.918172),
 array(50.831916,  12.918603),
 array(50.832825,  12.918413),
 array(50.833206,  12.918303),
 array(50.832825,  12.918413),
 array(50.831916,  12.918603),
 array(50.831763,  12.918172),
 array(50.831604,  12.917834),
 array(50.831356,  12.917186),
 array(50.831118,  12.918574), 
 array(50.831118,  12.916574)


 $data = array(
     "lat"  => $position[$i][0],
     "long" => $position[$i][1], 

 if($i > count($position)){
 $i = 0;

 $_SESSION["i"] = $i;

header('Content-Type: application/json');

Then in your javascript you can access data as a regular js object:

$.get('script1.php', function(data){
    console.log(data.lat); //50.831118
    console.log(data.long); //12.916574

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