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Trying to access source device from boost::iostreams

I wrote a custom source device that counts the bytes read so far:

class socket_stream_source : public boost::iostreams::source

    int readSoFar=0;

    socket_stream_source(socket_ptr sock) : _sock(sock)


    std::streamsize read(char* s, std::streamsize n)
        int readCount = _sock->read_some(boost::asio::buffer(s, n));
        readSoFar += readCount;
        return readCount;

    socket_ptr _sock;


I'm using it like this:

boost::iostreams::stream<socket_stream_source> in(sock);

How can I access my readSoFar variable ?

Or is there another way to count the bytes read so far from an istream ?

Just use the device access operators provided by boost::iostreams::stream, ie

T& operator*();
T* operator->();

In your code this suffice:


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