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Using a dictionary lookup with Html.DisplayFor in an ASP.NET View

I'm learning to write MVC websites in C# with ASP.NET and the Entity Framework.

However, I'm struggling to write a dictionary lookup that would work with the Html.DisplayFor method.

Say I have the following two models:

public class Dog
    public int Id;
    public string Name;
    public int BreedId;

public class Breed
    public int Id;
    public string Name;

Then, somewhere in the controller, I'm creating a dictionary containing all the Breeds , indexed by the Id , and assigning it to ViewBag.Breeds .

In the Dogs/Index View, I use something like that:

@model IEnumerable<App.Models.Dog>

    @foreach (var item in Model)
                @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Name)

And it generates a table of the Dogs and their Breeds , as intended.

However, if I try to use the dictionary lookup inside the Html.DisplayFor method, I get an error because an expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation :

@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => ViewBag.Breeds[item.BreedId].Name)

Casting it to an explicitly typed dictionary doesn't work either:

@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => ((Dictionary<int, Breed>)ViewBag.Breeds)[item.BreedId].Name)

Is there a way to make it work?

You should check out this question which explores why DisplayFor has such a funny syntax. It isn't just a simple function that accepts a string. It accepts an expression, which is never executed but parsed, so that the Razor engine can find one of the model's properties and all of its attributes-- that is how is discovers scaffolding and knows how to render a model member.

Bottom line is-- you can't just put any old string in DisplayFor . But then again, you shouldn't need to-- to display a string, you don't need it.

Option 1

Instead of

@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => ViewBag.Breeds[item.BreedId].Name)

Just use


or if your breed names might contain a < or & character, you might need to HTML-escape them, so use


Option 2

If you really want to take advantage of DisplayFor and MVC scaffolding, add the desired computed field to the model itself, and reference it plainly in the view.

public class Dog
    public int Id;
    public string Name;
    public int BreedId;

    [Display(Name = "Breed Name")]  //Optional scaffolding attributes
    public string BreedName
            return ViewBag.Breeds[BreedId].Name;

and in your view

@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.BreedName)

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