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Inversify : contextual injection with class name

I am trying to inject loggers into different classes using inversify . I want to pass the target class name to the logger to categorize it.

The problem is I can't access the target name from where i'm creating the binding:

container.bind<log4js.Logger>(Types.Logger).toDynamicValue(context => {
    let className = context....?; // Finds class name
    return log4js.getLogger(className);

Is there any way of doing this other than setting it once the logger is created in the object receiving the logger?

Thank you!


Update :
This new feature makes it possible to access the class name from the context. The name will be minified though. This can be solved by comparing against the class.

container.bind<Warrior>(TYPE.Warrior)to(Ninja).inActivation((context) => {
    const currentClass = context.currentRequest.bindings[0].implementationType;
    if (currentClass) {
        if (currentClass === Ninja) {
            // ...

Original post :
Thanks for asking this question. What you are looking for it is not possible at the moment but I have created an issue in GitHub to ensure that we do something about it. You can learn more about it at https://github.com/inversify/InversifyJS/issues/576

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