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Combine requests for multiple PHP files to one request

I have a dynamic web dashboard which displays data like temp, humidity, light, noise etc. I have multiple php files like temp.php, humidity.php, light.php and noise.php which take care of retrieving the data from db and then I have multiple js files too which basically use setTimeout and displays data from the corresponding php file to the html page every 3 seconds.

Each of the php file looks like this, example- humidity.php:

    $unit = "820";
    $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT hv FROM humidity where 
unitid=? order BY pk DESC LIMIT 1");
    $humidity= $stmt->fetchColumn();
    $humidity=round($humidity, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD);
    echo $humidity;
    $db = null;

And each js file looks like this, example- humidity.js:

$(document).ready(function() {
        function foo() {

            setTimeout(foo, 3000);



The process is working fine, but since there are multiple php requests, the overall processing time is little high (around 2 seconds). I would like to combine the phps into one php file and the js files into one too - thereby having just one php request to retrieve all the data.

What is the best way to do it?

Hope below approach will help you.

In your combined php file:

  $humidity  = getHumidity(<parameter>);
  $temp = getTemp(<parameter>);
  $light = getLight(<parameter>);
  $retArr = array("humidity" => $humidity,"light" => $light, "temp" => $temp);
  echo json_encode($retArr);

  function getHumidity($param) { 
   // write your logic here to calculate the humidity

  function getTemp($param) { 
   // write your logic here to calculate the temp

  function getLight($param) { 
   // write your logic here to calculate the Light


In your single .js file:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    function foo() {
            url : <path of your php file>,
            type : <Method GET/POST as per your requirement >,
            dataType : json,               
            async : false,
            success : function(data, status) {
               //update your html element with data

setInterval(foo, 3000);

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