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I struggle to covert an IAwaitable to LuisResult (LUIS on Microsoft Bot framework)

I´m using the class Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialog.Promptoptions that takes a ResumeAfter which is delegate and requires (IDialogContext context, IAwaitable result)

However, the delegate I want to call is a not of private async Task Test (IDialogContext context, IAwaitable result)

but rather a LUIS delegate that has the following

[LuisIntent("Test") private async Task Test (IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)

It will be highly appreciated to hear some thoughts how to call the LUIS attributed method

    private async Task ProductChoice(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result)

        "Which plaform are you interested in?",
        "Ooops, what you wrote is not a valid option, please try again",
        await context.PostAsync(context.MakeMessage());

    [LuisIntent ("Products")]
    public async Task ProductOverview(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        string product = "";
        EntityRecommendation rec;
        Activity activity = (Activity)context.MakeMessage();
        Attachment attachment;

        if (result.TryFindEntity("ProductName", out rec))
            //Here you could include other rich cards
            attachment = CreateNewHeroCard(product = rec.Entity);
            await context.PostAsync(activity);
            await context.PostAsync("Sorry, their is no product by that name");

First, what you are trying to do is not possible.

Then a few other things:

  • You should not send a PostAsync after calling a Prompt .
  • If you want to reuse some of the logic on the LUIS Intent method, then you need to extract that logic into a common method that both, LUIS and the ResumeAfter method of the prompt can call to. Of course, that common method shouldn't have anything related to LuisResult , since that won't be available in the ResumeAfter method. When the ResumeAfter method will be called; LUIS won't be called.
  • If what you want is to, call LUIS after the prompt, then a bit more code will have to be written but it's doable
  • If you just want to call your ProductOverview method from the ResumeAfter method, you can just do it as a standard method, however (and again), have in mind that you won't have a LuisResult there, so you will have to send a null value and handle that accordingly in your ProductOverview method.

Something like:

private async Task ProductChoice(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result)

        "Which plaform are you interested in?",
        "Ooops, what you wrote is not a valid option, please try again",
        await context.PostAsync(context.MakeMessage());

   private async Task AfterPromptChoiceMethod(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result)
       await ProductOverview(context, null);

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