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Java implementation of Polymorphism, casting and method overriding in Game design

Note: This is the conceptual version of my question. My actual question about the application of these concepts is shown below this chunk.

I am trying to figure out when an object is considered an instance of its own class or the class's superclass. Consider the following superclass Animal and Subclass Seahorse:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Animal
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Animal a= new Animal();
        /*1. This line prints a's class*/

        List<Animal> animals= new ArrayList<Animal>(1);
        animals.add(new Seahorse(1));
        //2. Let's see what happens here

        for(Animal e : animals)
            e.printClass(); //3 This is an overriden method
            //e.printThisClass(); Compile Time error;
            //4. Note this method only exists in subclass
        Animal hiahiahia = new Seahorse();
        hiahiahia.printClass(); //5. Lets see what happens
        hiahiahia.printThisClass(); //6. 
    public void printClass()

public class Seahorse extends Animal
    private int y;
    public Seahorse(int a)
    public void printClass()

    public void printThisClass()

And the outputs look like this:

class Animal  //1.
Seahorse      //2.
Seahorse      //3.
Seahorse      //5.

You can see that Although Seahorse Objects are stored in Animal Objects or Lists, Polymorphism caused the Seahorse methods to be called.

However, when I try to call a method whose name only exists in the subclass on an Seahorse object disguised as a Animal object, the compile throws an error.

QUESTION: Is it true that polymorphism only works when methods override? Is there any time when

 Animal animal = new Seahorse(1);

Causes animal to be seen as an animal only(not a seahorse)?

What's the difference between

 Animal animal = new Seahorse();



Finally, when should I use casting?

I am working on a 2d Game and created the following class:

public class Entity


public class Character extends Entity
  //With bunch of extra fields and methods

I also have a controller class that has two fields:

private List<Entity>;
private List<Character>;

I separate them because Entities(in this case arrows, bullets) only collide with characters, but not with other entities. Here's the problem: I also have a render method that draws the BufferedImage of all my Entities. Now in order for the graph to make sense, the Entities should be rendered in the ascending order of their Y values.(That is, from farthest to nearest). However, this requires all characters and entities to be put in the same collection...

The question is: Should I separate them or not? If I put them in the same List, wouldn't that cause confusion because you can't tell characters from Entities?

Thanks : )

Answer to the First Question:

What's the difference between

Animal animal = new Seahorse(); animal.printThisClass(); and


There is no difference. When you cast that animal to the Seahorse it allows you to access the methods of the Seahorse. For instance, if the Seahorse class had a method called blowBubble() if you did animal.blowBubble() (assuming animal is defined like above) it will give you an error because the Animal class does not have a method called blowBubble() .

However, when you cast the animal variable to Seahorse by doing ((Seahorse)animal) you are saying I know this animal is a Seahorse so allow me to use Seahorse's methods.

Animal animal = new Seahorse();
((Seahorse)animal).method(); // calls the exact same method even if it was overriden

However, you'll notice if you do this

Animal animal = new Animal();

Each time you try to cast it, it will throw you a ClassCastException because an Animal cannot be transformed into a Seahorse. But, because a Seahorse is always and animal, you can call any animal methods on a Seahorse instance.

Seahorse seahorse = new Seahorse();

For your next question , having two separate lists for characters and entities is entirely up to you. Since you need to do a simple sorting algorithm for determining who has the greatest or lowest y position it probably won't matter.

You can always create a method called getAllEntities() that returns a new List that combines the entities and characters and then sort over that list and render them.

Like, the comments said, you should also look at interfaces, but I don't recommend creating tons of interfaces. I think starting simple is the way to go, however, as your game becomes for advanced, you may want to look into implementing them.

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