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Google play store can't upload apk

I can't find any reason why the store doesn't accept any apks on new apps and others, it every time return please upload another apk

1.0, app code 1 brand new app returns same error with 2 different dev accounts on 4 different vpn(Netherlands/germanmy/singapur..) and 2 different browsers?(opera/safari) also I have deleted cookies etc

my signin in that project is react native

  signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("key.jks")
            storePassword "dosa"
            keyAlias "dsa"
            keyPassword "dsa"
            v2SigningEnabled true

You will have to set


in application tag of the manifest file. This is important for uploading your apk. and if this already set properly and Google Playstore still rejects your APK, then modify your build.gradle

signingConfigs {
    debug {
       storeFile file("my-keystore-file.jks")
       storePassword "my-password"
       keyAlias "my-alias"
       keyPassword "my-password"

This will set your own key for debugging.

If your problem still exists then I would suggest reading the documentation, you can read it here it's given properly.

1.0, app code 1 brand new app returns same error with 2 different dev accounts on 4 different vpn(Netherlands/germanmy/singapur..) and 2 different browsers?(opera/safari) also I have deleted cookies etc

I tried with Firefox and it worked thanks...

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