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Shiny app crash, issue with leaflet Shiny RStudio

i'm building shiny app, used leaflet to plot a map with markers and polygons.

At this point i have a map, with some markers and one polygon at time

This is part of my code, with this i can render a Polygon in leaflet map but only if com <- mongo$find('{"id" : "Temuco"}') have one name (Temuco or Santiago), if i put '{"id" : {"$in":["Temuco", "Santiago"]}}' all crashed with this error: 'options' must be a fully named list, or have no names (NULL)

    com <- mongo_comunas$find('{"nombre": {"$in":["Temuco", "Santiago", "etcetcetc"]}}')
    build_list <- split(com, com$id)
    build_list <- lapply(build_list, function(x){x["id"]<- NULL;x})
    build_list <- lapply(build_list, function(x){x["order"]<- NULL;x})
    build_list <- lapply(build_list, function(x){x["hole"]<- NULL;x})
    build_list <- lapply(build_list, function(x){x["piece"]<- NULL;x})
    build_list <- lapply(build_list, function(x){x["group"]<- NULL;x})
    ps <- lapply(build_list, Polygon)
    ps <- Polygons(ps, ID = 1)
    ps <- SpatialPolygons(list(ps), proj4string =CRS("+proj=longlat"))

  output$mymap <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet(data = ps) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons())       


with only com <- mongo$find('{"id" : "Temuco"}') (or another id) all its good. I used ggplot with that function and render two or three or more polygons at time but with leaflet all crashed.

data stored in mongo like:

        long      lat    order  hole piece   id      group
    1 -72.8012 -38.8337 914361 FALSE   1     Temuco Temuco.1
  200 -72.5503 -38.7324 919738 FALSE   1     Santiago Santiago.1

I appreciate if anyone can guide me in this problem


Are you using





Because the mongo command cannot be used to query your db. It is used to establish the connection to your mongodb.

You would need something along the lines of this:

mongoConnection <- mongo(collection = "test", db = "test", url = "mongodb://localhost",
  verbose = FALSE, options = ssl_options())

See ?mongo for help.

Then you can call this connection for your find, aggregate, etc. queries

com <- mongoConnection$find(...)

I am guessing that the connection is what you have assigned to mongo_comunas but without seeing more of your code I don't know for sure.


Does the data you are pulling in contain any arrays? If so, you will need to use the $unwind command to un-nest these arrays.

You may also need to use "flatten" from the jsonlite package to further flatten out your data into a non-nested dataframe.

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