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Delete file with same name contained in different sub-folders

For some reason, I have a copy of dismhost.exe in a lot of folders, inside temp folder; what I want to do is delete every instance of it, which are inside folders inside temp .

So the structure is as follows:


I first tried

rm ./*/dismhost.exe

but then I remembered there is no rm in windows, so I tried with rd with same arguments. That raised an error, saying that the * modifier is not valid.

How can I achieve this?

This can be done using a FOR loop iterating over a list of files returned by a recursive DIR search. When you are satisfied with the output, remove ECHO in order to actually delete the files.

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %f IN (`DIR /S /B /A:-D \temp\dismhost.exe`) DO (ECHO DEL "%~f")

If this is placed into a .bat script, be sure to double the % characters on the variable.

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%f IN (`DIR /S /B /A:-D \temp\dismhost.exe`) DO (
    ECHO DEL "%%~f"


del /s \temp\dismhost.exe

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