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Close Parent Tab after closing of child tab

 ====================Apex Class Code========================
Public Boolean isClosed{get;set;}
isClosed = false;
List<Opportunity> Affre_main = new List<Opportunity>();
for(Opportunity opp: [select id,Afree_main_sol__c from Opportunity where Id in: oppVar] ){
        opp.Afree_main_sol__c = 'some value';
    insert Affre_main;
    isClosed = true;

========================ON VF Page=================================================
    //Now how to close its parent tab//


I am looking for a workaround. I want to close a tab (say child tab) and then I want to auto-close the parent (main tab).

Is there any standard way then please tell me.

I want to use this solution with visualforce-salesforce.

Javascript/jquery solutions will also be helpful.

I find it myself.

just a quick line solution.

Just need to use window.opener.close(); to auto close the parent window from the open child window.

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