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Bypass a Java error

Is there a way that I can bypass an error message in Java ? What if I get an error, but there is no viable way to change my program ? What if I suspect that I might get an error from a block of code, but I don't know when or if it will happen ? There's been a lot of times where I had to let something be in my code, but produced an error. For example, converting a string into a float with parseFloat().

Anyway to do this ?

I think you need a try...catch statement.

try {
    // parse your float here
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // parsing a float might throw a NumberFormatException
    // code in here will be executed if a NumberFormatException occurs

Yes you can handle runtime errors in Java.

Exception Handling

There are two ways to handle Exceptions.

  1. Throw out and ignore -

When an Exception occur inside a code of program simply throw it out and ignore that an exception occur(iedeclare the methods as throws Exception ).


void method()throws IOException{  

  1. Catch and handle -

If a code snippet is generating an Exception place it inside a try block. Then mention the way to handle the Exception inside the catch block.

Example for catch and handle:

  double a= parseDouble("12.4a");
}catch(NumberFormatException e){
  System.out.println("cannot format");

Here try to convert 12.4a to double and store in a . Since 12.4a contains character a NumberFormatException will occur. you can handle it. In above code I just print a text. But you get printStackTrace :


You can add finally after catch block. read Orcale doc .

Yes, of course there is a way to do this, it is called Exception Handling .

Begin by reading about the Exception class, and the try catch and finally keywords.

Here is a starting point: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_exceptions.htm

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