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Copy all but one field with Lodash, without using Object.assign()

If I have an object like so:

const obj  = { A: 1, B: 2, C: 3, D: 4 };

How can I copy all key/values except for C to a new object?

Underscore has the _.pick() functionality, but I am looking to do the opposite.

您可以使用省略方法来实现此目的: https//lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#omit

You can do this with the ES object rest/spread proposal. Since it's a stage 4 proposal , and not supported by all browser , you might need to transpile the code using babel with the Object rest spread transform .

 const obj = { A: 1, B: 2, C: 3, D: 4 }; const { C, ...objWithoutC } = obj; console.log(objWithoutC); 

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