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How to view tables used in hbase database?

I am new to hbase. There are 30 tables created in hbase . I want to view those table structures.

I have used the below command to view the tables but there is only one table. Hope I need to connect to right database inside hbase to list the tables.

hbase(main):017:0> list
1 row(s) in 0.0140 seconds

Now I wanted the command to know what are the databases present(already created) in hbase ?

To be align with HBase terminology... There is a concept of 'namespace'. You can create tables under particular namespaces.

Group name: namespace
  Commands: alter_namespace, create_namespace, describe_namespace, drop_namespace, list_namespace, list_namespace_tables

list - display tables in default namespace

list_namespace - shows all available namespace

list_namespace_tables 'n1' shows all tables under n1 namespace.

Most likely all your tables were created under some specific namespace. Explore..

There is a way you can do it with HAdmin . Click to the "Tables" link on the sidebar and you will see all your tables. HAdmin全视图

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