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Chrome Blank PDF Print Preview

Looks like print preview for some embed pdf files "application/x-google-chrome-pdf" is not working anymore. Open this pdf file in Chrome version 59.x and try printing it. I have Adobe Reader XI version 11.0.20 installed on my system. Is there anyway to fix this issue?

For me the incompatibility issue with chrome 59 seems to be because of the javascript we are injecting to the PDF using QuickPDF library (PageJavaScriptAction). The JS code is:

   print( {bUI: true, bShrinkToFit: true});
} catch(e){
       print({bUI: true, bShrinkToFit: true});
    } catch(e1){app.alert(e + ',' + e1);}

After removing this code, the preview seems to be working fine again similar to the older versions of chrome.

Please refer to this post. Basically you will need to delay before print if it is chrome. Kudos to the original post.

google chrome print preview does not load the page the first time

  1. Ctrl+a and Ctrl+p will work.

  2. Select the data you want to get print preview and right click and select the print option.

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