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How to add an external javascript library to ionic 3 typescript project

for an assignment we need to make a thermostat app. I would like to do this in ionic but am struggling with using the provided API right now. We have been provided an API.js file with a set of function that communicate the the server we have to get our data from. I tried to make these functions myself via a provider but because the server is returning xml data I have not been successful so far. So I wanted to use the given API.js by including it in my project but am now struggling to do that as well. So I would like to get some insight on either how to include this external API into my ionic project and use the functions that is has, or on how to use the returned xml data (show it in the app and send altered data back).

Since both files are quite large I've provided some snippets below and full files in pastebin links.

The get and put commands we can use are day, time, currentTemperature, targetTemperature, dayTemperature, nightTemperature, weekProgramState and weekProgram.

Thanks a lot in advance!!

The API.js

var ServerUrl = '';

Type = {
    Day : 'day',
    Night : 'night'

Days = {
    Monday : 'Monday',
    Tuesday : 'Tuesday',
    Wednesday : 'Wednesday',
    Thursday : 'Thursday',
    Friday : 'Friday',
    Saturday : 'Saturday',
    Sunday : 'Sunday'

var MinTemperature = parseFloat(5.0);
var MaxTemperature = parseFloat(30.0);
var MaxSwitches = 5;

var Time;
var CurrentDay;
var DayTemperature;
var NightTemperature;
var CurrentTemperature;
var TargetTemperature;
var ProgramState;

var Program = {};
Program[Days.Monday]    = [];
Program[Days.Tuesday]   = [];
Program[Days.Wednesday] = [];
Program[Days.Thursday]  = [];
Program[Days.Friday]    = [];
Program[Days.Saturday]  = [];
Program[Days.Sunday]    = [];

/* Retrive day program
function getProgram(day) {
    return Program[day];

/* Sorts the heating periods (the periods when the heating is on) and merges overlapping ones
function sortMergeProgram(day) {
    var program = getProgram(day);
    program.sort(function(a, b){return parseTime(a[0])-parseTime(b[0])});
    for (var i = 0; i < program.length - 1; i++) {
        if (parseTime(program[i][1]) >= parseTime(program[i+1][0])) {
            var start = (program[i][0]);
            var end = (parseTime(program[i][1]) > parseTime(program[i+1][1])) ? program[i][1] : program[i+1][1];
            program.splice(i, 2);
            program.push([start, end]);

/* Retrieves all data from the server except for weekProgram
function get(attribute_name, xml_tag) {
    return requestData(
        function(data) {
            return $(data).find(xml_tag).text();

/* Retrieves the week program
function getWeekProgram() {
    return requestData(
        function(data) {
            $(data).find('day').each(function() {
                var day = $(this).attr('name');
                Program[day] = [];
                $(this).find('switch').each(function() {
                    if ($(this).attr('state') == 'on') {
                        if ($(this).attr('type') == Type.Day) {
                            getProgram(day).push([$(this).text(), '00:00']);
                        } else {
                            getProgram(day)[getProgram(day).length - 1][1] = $(this).text();
            return Program;

The returned XML data

<week_program state="off">
  <day name="Monday">
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="on">05:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="on">08:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="on">12:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="on">14:00</switch>
  <day name="Tuesday">
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="day" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>
    <switch type="night" state="off">00:00</switch>

What I would do is create a file named API.ts . Inside it I would create an API class containing the properties and functions of API.js , correcting for Typesctipt syntax.

It also looks like whoever wrote this file wanted to also use jquery but it isn't imported, so I imported that too. I suppose you are given this file so make sure you place it inside src/assets and correct the import path in my code in order to have the matching filename.

So here's what I have for you:

import * as $ from '.assets/jquery.js';

export class API {
  ServerUrl = '';

  Type = {
    Day: 'day',
    Night: 'night'

  Days = {
    Monday: 'Monday',
    Tuesday: 'Tuesday',
    Wednesday: 'Wednesday',
    Thursday: 'Thursday',
    Friday: 'Friday',
    Saturday: 'Saturday',
    Sunday: 'Sunday'

  MinTemperature = parseFloat('5.0');
  MaxTemperature = parseFloat('30.0');
  MaxSwitches = 5;


  Program:any = {};

  constructor() {
    this.Program[this.Days.Monday]    = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Tuesday]   = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Wednesday] = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Thursday]  = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Friday]    = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Saturday]  = [];
    this.Program[this.Days.Sunday]    = [];

  /* Retrive day program
  getProgram(day) {
    return this.Program[day];

  /* Sorts the heating periods (the periods when the heating is on) and merges overlapping ones
  sortMergeProgram(day) {
    let program = this.getProgram(day);
    program.sort(function(a, b) {
      return this.parseTime(a[0]) - this.parseTime(b[0])
    for (let i = 0; i < program.length - 1; i++) {
      if (this.parseTime(program[i][1]) >= this.parseTime(program[i + 1][0])) {
        let start = (program[i][0]);
        let end = (this.parseTime(program[i][1]) > this.parseTime(program[i + 1][1])) ? program[i][1] : program[i + 1][1];
        program.splice(i, 2);
        program.push([start, end]);

  /* Retrieves all data from the server except for weekProgram
  get(attribute_name, xml_tag) {
    return this.requestData(
      "/" + attribute_name,
      function(data) {
        return $(data).find(xml_tag).text();

  /* Retrieves the week program
  getWeekProgram() {
    return this.requestData(
      function(data) {
        $(data).find('day').each(function() {
          let day = (<any>$(this)).attr('name');
          this.Program[day] = [];
          $(this).find('switch').each(function() {
            if ((<any>$(this)).attr('state') == 'on') {
              if ((<any>$(this)).attr('type') == this.Type.Day) {
                this.getProgram(day).push([$(this).text(), '00:00']);
              } else {
                this.getProgram(day)[this.getProgram(day).length - 1][1] = $(this).text();
        return this.Program;

  /* Uploads all data to the server except for currentTemperature and weekProgram
  put(attribute_name, xml_tag, value) {
    this.uploadData("/" + attribute_name, "<" + xml_tag + ">" + value + "</" + xml_tag + ">");

  requestData(address, func) {
    let result;
      type: "get",
      url: this.ServerUrl + address,
      dataType: "xml",
      async: false,
      success: function(data) {
        result = func(data);
    return result;

  /* Uploads the week program
  setWeekProgram() {
    let doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null);
    let program = doc.createElement('week_program');
    program.setAttribute('state', this.ProgramState ? 'on' : 'off');
    for (let key in this.Program) {
      let day = doc.createElement('day');
      day.setAttribute('name', key);

      let daySwitches = [];
      let nightSwitches = [];

      let i, text, sw;
      let periods = this.getProgram(key);
      for (i = 0; i < periods.length; i++) {

      for (i = 0; i < this.MaxSwitches; i++) {
        sw = doc.createElement('switch');
        sw.setAttribute('type', this.Type.Day);

        if (i < daySwitches.length) {
          sw.setAttribute('state', 'on');
          text = doc.createTextNode(daySwitches[i]);
        } else {
          sw.setAttribute('state', 'off');
          text = doc.createTextNode('00:00');

      for (i = 0; i < this.MaxSwitches; i++) {
        sw = doc.createElement('switch');
        sw.setAttribute('type', this.Type.Night);

        if (i < nightSwitches.length) {
          sw.setAttribute('state', 'on');
          text = doc.createTextNode(nightSwitches[i]);
        } else {
          sw.setAttribute('state', 'off');
          text = doc.createTextNode('00:00');
    this.uploadData('/weekProgram', (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(doc));

  /* Creates the default week program
  setDefault() {
    let doc = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null);
    let program = doc.createElement('week_program');
    program.setAttribute('state', this.ProgramState ? 'on' : 'off');
    for (let key in this.Program) {
      let day = doc.createElement('day');
      day.setAttribute('name', key);

      let daySwitches = [];
      let nightSwitches = [];

      let i, text, sw;

      for (i = 0; i < this.MaxSwitches; i++) {
        sw = doc.createElement('switch');
        sw.setAttribute('type', this.Type.Night);
        sw.setAttribute('state', 'off');
        text = doc.createTextNode('00:00');

      for (i = 0; i < this.MaxSwitches; i++) {
        sw = doc.createElement('switch');
        sw.setAttribute('type', this.Type.Day);
        sw.setAttribute('state', 'off');
        text = doc.createTextNode('00:00');

    this.uploadData('/weekProgram', (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(doc));

  uploadData(address, xml) {
      type: "put",
      url: this.ServerUrl + address,
      contentType: 'application/xml',
      data: xml,
      async: false

  parseTime(t) {
    return parseFloat(t.substr(0, 2)) + parseFloat(t.substr(3, 2)) / 60;

  /* Adds a heating period for a specific day
  addPeriod(day, start, end) {
    let program = this.getWeekProgram()[day];
    program.push([start, end]);

  /* Removes a heating period from a specific day.
     idx is the idex of the period with values from 0 to 4
  removePeriod(day, idx) {
    let program = this.getWeekProgram()[day];
    let start = program[idx][0];
    let end = program[idx][1];
    program.splice(idx, 1);

  /* Checks whether the temperature is within the range [5.0,30.0]
  inTemperatureBoundaries(temp) {
    temp = parseFloat(temp);
    return (temp >= this.MinTemperature && temp <= this.MaxTemperature);

Now in any ionic component you want to consume the API, you just import it like so:

import { API } from './API'

and then in your code use it like so:

export class yourPage {
  constructor(public api: API){}

  yourFunction() {

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