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How to change edge thickness in D3.js?

代码示例https://jsfiddle.net/greggyNapalm/xtg7t5ch/我想通过weight attr控制边缘厚度。


 .attr("style", function(d) { return ("stroke-width:" + d.weight + "px;");})

First remove this line from your path.link class from CSS file.

stroke-width: 2.0px;

Then, in your java-script file add following line in path variable.

.attr("stroke-width", function(d) { return (d.weight); })

Another method by which you can override the style property which @drone6502 suggested, is to add style attribute. Here, no need to remove stroke-width from CSS.

.attr("style", function(d) { return ("stroke-width:" + d.weight + "px;");})

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