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Handling asynchronous data between services and components in Angular

I am passing the latitude and longitude to a service from a component. And after doing some work in the service, I want to pass the value in isOnsite to my component. Depending on that value, I want to bring up another page.

My problem:

When I get the returned value in the component, it is only undefined as the service runs asynchronously. What can I change in my code to get the correct value in my component? Below is my code. (isAtSite computes some math and returns a boolean).

Also is there a way to push to the page stack from the service?


getDeviceCoords(map, destLat, destLng) {

this.mapInstance = map;
this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then((pos) => {

  new google.maps.LatLng(pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude);   
  let deviceLat = pos.coords.latitude;
  let deviceLng = pos.coords.longitude;

  let isOnSite = this.isAtSite(deviceLat, deviceLng, destLat, destLng);
  return isOnSite;

}, (err) => {



let isOnSite = this.geolocationProvider.getDeviceCoords(this.map, this.lat, this.lng); 
console.log("isOnSite (map.ts) =>" + isOnSite);  //undefined. Should be boolean 

It is undefined because you didnt return anything from the function getDeviceCoords(map, destLat, destLng) (that equals to return undefined)

return isOnSite inside getDeviceCoords really returns not from getDeviceCoords , but from callback passed to then - (pos) => {}

So, first of all, you must return promise from getDeviceCoords :

getDeviceCoords(map, destLat, destLng) {

  this.mapInstance = map;
  return this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition().then(...your code);

And then in your component you can use it like

getDeviceCoords() {
  this.geolocationProvider.getDeviceCoords(this.map,this.lat, this.lng)
  .then(isOnSite => // your value can be accessed here);

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