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How to increase java run time heap memory

I am using IntelliJ IDEA. The java file will read a csv file line by line, the file is 3.8GB. I think everything is in one line so that I am getting Out of Heap Memory error while I am using buffer reader to read line by line.

I have edited the idea.vmotions so that -XMx4096m, along with compiler's VM option, and the Run/Debug Comfiguration. 在此处输入图片说明



However, the peak usage of my heap memory will not exceed 500mb. 在此处输入图片说明

And the Out of Memory Error remains.

This could be a memory leak. I'd try using the Eclipse Memory Analyzer . It could be better than Intellij's built in one.

This is a great guide I use when I encounter this problem.

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