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Disable spell checking on IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to disable spell checking in MacOS's IntelliJ IDEA version 8.1.

How can I disable it?

Follow :

File >> Settings >> Editor >> Inspections >> Spelling >> Typo

-> Uncheck the options that you want to disable.

Source for more details - Spellchecking with intelliJ

对于 OSX 上的 12.1.6:


I've put together a "visual solution" here (inspired by a previous solution above/below by @user277236 in this forum!).

In Webstorm you can either:

  1. Disable spell checking entirely , or
  2. Disable spell checking selectively (eg just the code), but enable for some others (eg comments).

I'm on MacOS Webstorm (version 2016.1.2). First thing first, go to the "Inspection" pane like this...

Webstorm -> Preferences -> search for "Inspections" 


Webstorm -> Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections

Within the Inspection search box, search "Spelling".

Option 1 - Disable spell-checking entirely


Option 2 - Disable spell-checking selectively


I've gone for option 2 myself. This seems to work for me so far.

In Windows and Android 2.3 ...

File -> Settings -> Inspections -> Spelling ...



update for 2020

File >> Settings >> Editor >> Inspections >> Proofreading (uncheck all)


对于 Android Studio,我直接在“项目设置”下找到了“检查”,而不是在“IDE 设置/编辑器”下。


如果要在文件中进行抑制,可以在文件中使用注释,例如<!--suppress SpellCheckingInspection -->在 html 中。

On Android Studio version 1.1 on Mac setting off Spelling from File menu does not work.

Set spelling from Android Studio > Preferences > Inspections.

Uncheck Typo and uncheck Spelling located in the first group of options "Project Settings".

在 MS 中,您可以使用Alt+Enter禁用检查。

I have just find out that the typo inspection feature is provided by the Grazie plugin, which comes pre-installed in IntelliJ. You can just disable displugin in the setting and all typo inspection feature will no longer be available.

Click here

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