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How do I deal with an object sent into AngularJS controller?

In my controller I have a function that recieves an object from Java controller. My AngularJS variable is simple:

var self = this;
self.item = {};

And my function where I get the object:

  function getItem() {
                function (d) {
                    self.item = d;                        
                function (errResponse) {
                    console.error('Error while getting item');

Object that's received has rather complicated structure. It has id, name and list of child objects, who have also id and name fields. How do I get into this object's fields and list in the AngularJS controller? I tried loop though list using fucntion below to even count duplicate values but it didn't work. I tried even to include one more loop into it with outputing result in console, no effect. It only returns zeros.


       function getCount(i) {        
            var iCount = iCount || 0;        
            for (var el in self.item) {
                console.log("let me see what are you: " + el);
                if (el == i) {
            return iCount;

The object I recieve is ok, I can see it content in Chrome using F12 - Network - Response or Preview.

added later: On my page I test it like this

<tr class="my_item" ng-repeat="p in ctrl.item.children">
 <span>getCount {{p.name}}: {{ctrl.getCount(p.name)}}</span>

It displays p.name in the span btw. Java object structure is

public class Item {    
    private int id;    
    private String name;
    List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();

Child class is simple

public class Child {    
        private int id;    
        private String name;        

As per your question, the content is complex and has recursive properties inside child content .

So you need to iterate on content recursively , inside one forEach loop .

See this example working Demo :

 var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); myApp.controller('ExampleController', function() { var vm = this; vm.count = 0; vm.searchTxt = ""; vm.getCount = function() { vm.count = 0; //clear count before search recursive(vm.content); } function recursive(dataArray) { //recursive function dataArray.forEach(function(data) { if (vm.searchTxt == data.name) { //match name property vm.count = vm.count + 1; } if (data.child.length > 0) { recursive(data.child); // call recursive function } }); } vm.content = [{ //example content id: 1, name: 'one', child: [{ id: 1.1, name: 'new one', child: [{ id: 1, name: 'one', child: [] }] }] }, { id: 2, name: 'two', child: [{ id: 1.1, name: 'new two', child: [] }] }] }); 
 <script src="https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.2/angular.js"></script> <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ExampleController as vm"> <input ng-model="vm.searchTxt" placeholder="ender search.." /> <br> <button ng-click="vm.getCount()">Search</button> <br> <span>Match 'Name' count : {{vm.count}}</span> </div> 

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