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selectManyCheckbox into p:dataTable column

I can not correctly view the contents of a column with selectManyCheckbox in p:dataTable.

Here my .xhtml:

<h:form id="projAccess" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <p:dataTable tableStyle="width:auto" id="i_dtb2"  var="p" value="#{comBean.l_uSrcRes}" paginator="true" rows="5" rowsPerPageTemplate="5,10"

    <p:columnGroup type="header">
            <p:column rowspan="2" headerText="User" />
            <p:column rowspan="2" headerText="Asset" />
            <p:column colspan="6" headerText="Roles" />
            <p:column rowspan="2" colspan="2" headerText="Action" />
            <p:column headerText="Project Manager"></p:column>
            <p:column headerText="Project Manager Deputy"></p:column>
            <p:column headerText="Business Analyst"></p:column>
            <p:column headerText="Functional Analyst"></p:column>
            <p:column headerText="Technical Analyst"></p:column>
            <p:column headerText="Developer"></p:column>

            <h:outputText value="#{p.usercd}" />

            <h:outputText value="#{p.asset}" />

        <p:column colspan="6">          
        <h:panelGroup layout="block" >
                <p:selectManyCheckbox columns="6"  value="#{p.rolesList}">
                <f:selectItems value="#{comBean.l_roles}" var="role" itemLabel="#{role}" itemValue="#{role}"  />

            <p:commandButton action="#{comBean.m_updateAccess}" ajax="false" icon="ui-icon-pencil">
                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{p}" target="#{comBean.f_selectedUser}" />
                    <f:param name="area" value="project" />

            <p:commandButton action="#{ubean.m_deleteUser}" ajax="false" icon="ui-icon-trash">
                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{p}" target="#{comBean.f_selectedUser}" />
                    <f:param name="area" value="project" />


Here the result:


How can I adapt content to header columns?

You are using tableStyle="width:auto" in your p:dataTable .
Removing this will align the checkboxes to its respective columns but you can notice that the columns are still a little bit misaligned.

To solve this, you can add style="padding:0px;" on your checkbox p:column .
Your code will look something like this.

<p:dataTable id="i_dtb2" var="p" value="#{comBean.l_uSrcRes}" paginator="true" rows="5" rowsPerPageTemplate="5,10"

    // other codes

    <p:column colspan="6" style="padding:0px;">  
        // other codes

    // other codes


On another note, if your functional specification allows it, you can remove [Project Manager, Project Manager Deputy, etc] headers, since your are displaying them right next to the checkboxes.
You will have to remove p:columnGroup and set the headerText to their respective columns with "Roles" as headerText for your checkBox column.

Hope this helps.

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