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how to read an xml node text with spaces using powershell

I want to read the text of an XML node from my config file. For this I have used Xpath to read the values. One of the config values is having the space between it's conetents, so when I am reading that it's just returning the value till the white space. My config filename and content as below config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ReferenceID>ARTL_Is Correction_Rewind_Report</ReferenceID>

I am successfully able to read the tag values except for the tag ReferenceID . Below is the code:

$configFile = "config.xml"
[xml]$confXml = Get-Content $configFile
$refIds = $confXml | Select-XML -XPath "//OpsConfig/ReferenceID"
Write-Host $refIds

The variable $refIds just returns "ARTL_Is". It's skipping the content after the space. I tried by appending the hexa value of space but still didn't return the whole value "ARTL_Is Correction_Rewind_Report".

The issue you are facing is because of the closure tag which seems missing. I don't know that is a typo or not. But When I kept it there and trying to read the content as XML parsing , I am able to retrieve it.

Could you try this:

    <ReferenceID>ARTL_Is Correction_Rewind_Report</ReferenceID>

I am in PS version 4 just FYI. Please check the PS version also

Since you're already using Get-Content, you can just call on the variable to get its node.

[Xml]$ConfXml = Get-Content ".\config.xml"
$RefIds = $ConfXml.OpsConfig.ReferenceID
Write "$RefIds"

If your concern is multiple Reference IDs, you can parse them with a ForEach

ForEach ($i in $ConfXml.OpsConfig.ReferenceID) { Do stuff with $i }


ForEach ($i in $ConfXml.OpsConfig) { Do stuff with $i.ReferenceID }

With this method, the xml attribute in the variable is just a string and shouldn't care about spaces.

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