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Recursively Delete Folders and All Contained Files

I'm trying to delete nested folders I generate after zipping/downloading the contents, but I'm running into an issue where I end up with an empty folder that can't be deleted. I found this answer in a similar question, and a bunch of versions of it, but for some reason the last folder thinks it is not empty despite having no contents.

function recursiveRemove($dir) {
  $structure = glob(rtrim($dir, "/").'/*');
  if (is_array($structure)) {
    foreach($structure as $file) {
        if (is_dir($file)) recursiveRemove($file);
        elseif (is_file($file)) unlink($file);

Any help would be appreciated!

It was trying to delete too many folders too quickly - having the system open/close the folder was enough for it to verify there was nothing inside and deleted everything as intended.

function recursiveRemove($dir) {
  $structure = glob(rtrim($dir, "/").'/*');
  if (is_array($structure)) {
    foreach($structure as $file) {
        if (is_dir($file)) recursiveRemove($file);
        elseif (is_file($file)) unlink($file);
  //Opening and closing the directory forces system to recognize it is empty
  $openCheck = opendir($dir);
  //Remove directory after done removing all children

Thank you Xatenev for putting me on the right track! I feel like this might be a little janky - if anyone has a better idea please let me know!

Try this:

 * Remove directory recursively.
 * @param string $path Path
 * @return bool True on success or false on failure.
function rrmdir($path) {
    $files = glob($path . '/*');
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        is_dir($file) ? rrmdir($file) : unlink($file);
    return rmdir($path);

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