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Font-family for svg text is not working?

1) What is the defalut font family for text in SVG?

2) I am trying to render on svg text with dynamic font .For first time when I am applying the font Its not working , for the 2nd time onwards It works fine. Can any one help me on this?

Thanks in advance.

There's no default font ( font-face/font-family ) mentioned. in W3C .


If you specify a font on a web page or in an SVG file that the user doesn't have available, then you're relying on the browser or browser plugin to find a reasonably good match for that font. Given only the font name, it's going to do a bad job of matching. Use the font attribute with a combination of the font-family and other attributes to provide some information that will get a font more like the one you want. The generic family names you can use are 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'cursive', 'fantasy', and 'monospace' (from the CSS specification). You can also use other family names like "Times", "Baskerville", "Verdena", and "Symbol."

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