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Cucumber Ruby - Cucumber Expressions

Trying out some new things in Cucumber Ruby, and I came across their Cucumber Expressions.

I've tried registering parameters:

require 'cucumber/cucumber_expressions/parameter_type'
require 'cucumber/cucumber_expressions/parameter_type_registry'

    /n't| not|/,
    lambda {|s| String.new(s)}

    lambda {|s| String.new(s)}

But when I have a step definition such as:

Given "{string_in_double_quotes} does{optional_not} work" do |thing, invert|
   invert = invert.gsub(' ', '')
   if invert == 'n\'t' or invert == 'not'
      # Something here
      # Something here

It does not match Given "the expression" does work or Given "the expression" does not work - which it should, and simply comes back with a step snippet

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Turns out that the basic "int" cucumber expression is not working either, and that should be built in.

Given "I want {int} potatoes" do |number|
 puts "#{number} potatoes"

Does not match And I want 7 potatoes , as an example.


  • cucumber v3.0.0.pre.1
  • cucumber-expressions v3.0.0
  • ruby v2.4.1

Cucumber expressions are available from v3.0.0 (see: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-ruby/issues/1002#issuecomment-332734877 ). However, adding a custom parameter type seems to be undocumented at the moment and I had to dig quite a bit to find out how to do it (see the Cucumber::Glue::Dsl class ).

In my case I wanted to add a date parameter type to match the format YYYY-MM-DD , so I created a new file parameter_types.rb in the support directory (I'm using Cucumber to test a Rails application) with the following content:

ParameterType name:             'date',
              type:             Date,
              regexp:           /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/,
              transformer:      ->(str) { Date.parse(str) },
              use_for_snippets: true

ParameterType is a method like After , Before , etc. that you can use to define hooks. You can add more parameter types by appending them to the same file.

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