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Laravel - use the Eloquent where method from within View

In Laravel 5.4, I have these tables:

sales_orders : id,order_code, customer_id

out_transactions : id, ref_id

ref_id refers to the primary key (ie id ) of sales_orders .

First I need to get all the rows from sales_orders with a particular customer_id ie 10; Then for each row, I need to query the out_transactions table matching its ref_id against the id of sales_orders table.

Inside the show_all method of the controller RequisitionController , I have :


$requisitions = $query_sales_order->get();


return view('admin.requisition.requisition',compact('requisitions')->withModel($model);

Inside the requisition.blade.php , I have :

foreach($requisitions as $aP) {

    $requisition_id = $aP->id;
    $inventory_out_info = $model->where('ref_id', $requisition_id);

    echo '<br/> sql = '.$inventory_out_info->toSql();

    $inventory_out_result = $inventory_out_info->get();

    $inventory_out_info_id = 0;

    foreach ($inventory_out_result as $inventory_out_result_indiv) {

        $inventory_out_info_id = $inventory_out_result_indiv->id;

        echo ' inventory_out_info_id =  '.$inventory_out_info_id;



But the sql shows unexpected query . What I get in a case is

sql = select * from `out_transactions` where `ref_id` = ?
sql = select * from `out_transactions` where `ref_id` = ? and `ref_id` = ?
sql = select * from `out_transactions` where `ref_id` = ? and `ref_id` = ? and `ref_id` = ?

So you can see that the where clause is being concatenated. And the concatenated clause remembers the 1st, 2nd etc values of ref_id from the for loop to use each of them, I guess ( I just cannot print the exact value of ? in the query).

How can I just remove the concatenation ? or Any other way to achieve the same purpose ?

首先在您的控制器中尝试此查询,并在您的预期结果出现后打印答案,使用此查询更改您的控制器并将结果传递到视图页面并根据您的需要 foreach 结果。

    $result  = DB::table('sales_orders')->join('out_transactions','sales_orders.id','=','out_transactions.ref_id')->where('sales_orders.customer_id',10)->get();

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