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Eager loading: How to get a few photos from table with polymorph relationship

I wont to get a list of users with avatar and 4 photos like as on screenshot: 在此处输入图片说明

User model:

   public function avatar()
      return $this->morphOne(Photo::class, 'photoable')
        ->where('photoable_type', 'user');

   public function photos()
     return $this->morphMany(Photo::class, 'photoable')
        ->where('photoable_type', 'photo');

   public function scopeLastPhotos($query)
      return $query->with(['photos' => function ($query) {



Photo model:

   public function photoable()
      return $this->morphTo();

I tried:

$users = User::with('avatar')->lastPhotos()->get();

but result had only avatar and empty photos collection:


All photos are exists on table.

I resolved this issue with mysql function 'group_concat':

public function scopeLastPhotos($query)
   return $query->join('photos', 'photos.photoable_id', 'users.id')
        ->selectRaw('users.*, group_concat(photos.hash) as hashes')
        ->where('photos.photoable_type', 'photo')

But 'group_concat' doesn't have 'limit' https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=30098 .

For my task I used this decision:

@foreach(explode(',', $user->hashes) as $hash)

    {{ $hash }}

    @break($loop->iteration == 4)


But maybe somebody know more elegant resolve?

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