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Angular $http(…).success is not a function help rewriting the function

I'm trying to fix a website for a group I volunteer for.

I'm trying to update it from Angular 1.3.16 to Angular 1.6.4, but I'm getting an error message that says:

TypeError: $http(...).success is not a function at b.$scope.init (angular-custom.js:107)

The code that seems to be causing it from what I can tell by debugging it is the angular-custom.js file with the .success and .error functions:

$scope.init = function(){
            method: 'post',
            url: url,
            data: $.param({ 'type' : 'getUsers' }),
            headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
        success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
            if(data.success && !angular.isUndefined(data.data) ){
                $scope.post.users = data.data;
        error(function(data, status, headers, config) {

I have also put the files up at plunker The 1.3.16 files at Plunker

I understand that it might be the .success and .error results, but I don't know Angular that much in how to fix it.

I'm a bit of a self-taught coder so any help would be great so I can this group up and running.

Thanks in advance for any advice. Rod

I recommend you to read this article Don't use $http's .success()


                method: 'post',
                url: url,
                data: $.param({'user' : $scope.tempUser, 'type' : 'save_user' }),
                headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
            then(function(response) {
               your code
               excuted when post request is success
            },function(response) {

               your code
               excuted when post request is failed

response is returned from server, you can debug to explore more deeply.

For angular 1.6.4 use .then and .catch to deal with the response and the error respectfully:

(note you can save some lines of code by using $http.post)

$scope.init = function(){
        $http.post('yourURL', $scope.yourData).
        then(function(results) {
            if(results.data.success ){
                $scope.post.users = results.data;
        catch(function(results) {

Thanks everyone for your help, it seems that I really need to take some time out and learn Angular as I really don't understand how it works.

I found that the person before me got the code from AngularJS Insert Update Delete in PHP and MySQL

But it seems that it pops up in a few places on the net as others claiming the code as theirs. Pity about that.

Again thanks for the input but I think I can get it working on ver 1.5.11 and I'll just have to work it out at a later date.


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