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Semantic UI with semantic-ui-react grid width inside popup

I[m trying to build, using semantic-ui-react, a menu like the example on the Semantic UI documentation , but I'm having problems on the popup width. Here is my code:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import { Menu, Icon, Dropdown, Popup, Grid, List } from 'semantic-ui-react';

import menulogo from '../../images/logo.svg';

class AppMenu extends Component {

    render() {

      return (
                <img alt='Logo' src={menulogo}/>
                <strong color='blue'>Logo</strong>
                <Icon name='browser' color='blue'/>
                  trigger={<Icon name='dropdown'/>}
                  position='bottom center'
                    <Grid.Column textAlign='center'>
                      <List relaxed link>
                        <List.Header as='h4'>Group 1</List.Header>
                        <List.Item as='a'>Option 1</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 2</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 3</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 4</List.Item>
                    <Grid.Column textAlign='center'>
                      <List relaxed link>
                        <List.Header as='h4'>Group 2</List.Header>
                        <List.Item as='a'>Option 1</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 2</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 3</List.Item>
                        <List.Item as='a' >Option 4</List.Item>



export default AppMenu;

This is the result I´m getting: 在此处输入图片说明

I expected the popup to fit the text nicely. Seens that the columns are too small in width to keep all text.

Help appreciated.

The problem here is that the Grid component in semantic-ui is responsive. It takes on the size of it's parent if no width is defined. This is in the styles and not specific to semantic-ui-react . If you want your grid to take up more space horizontally, you can set a style={{width: '300px'}} on your Grid component and this will give you the space you want.

  1. Add style={{width: '300px'}} on your Grid component.


I'd recommend doing a couple additional things here.

  1. If you are insistent on using a Popup for this menu, you'll probably want to add the position='bottom left' prop to it.

  2. Use the entire Menu.Item as the Popup component's trigger instead.

These two changes will give you this: 在此处输入图片说明

You'll probably be better off using a Dropdown component on this Menu instead, but I will keep the scope of my answer based on the initial question.

A codesandbox example is included showing all three of these changes in working order: https://codesandbox.io/s/n39o5y344p

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