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spark scala dataframe function over partition

I have 200 Mil rows with 1K groups looking like this

Group     X             Y             Z          Q           W
group1  0.054464866 0.002248819 0.299069804 0.763352879 0.395905106
group2  0.9986218   0.023649037 0.50762069  0.212225807 0.619571705
group1  0.839928517 0.290339179 0.050407454 0.75837838  0.495466007
group1  0.021003132 0.663366686 0.687928832 0.239132224 0.020848608
group1  0.393843426 0.006299292 0.141103438 0.858481036 0.715860852
group2  0.045960198 0.014858905 0.672267793 0.59750871  0.893646818

I want to run the same function (say linear regression of X on [X, Z, Q, W] ) for each of the groups. I could have done Window.partition etc. but I have my own function. At the moment, I do the following:

df.select("Group").distinct.collect.toList.foreach{group => 
val dfGroup = df.filter(col("Group")===group
dfGroup.withColumn("res", myUdf(col("X"), col("Y"), col("Z"), col("Q"), col("W"))}

Wonder if there is a better way to do?

You have minimum two options depending what you prefer: DataFrame or Dataset.

DataFrame with UDAF

  .agg(myUdaf(col("col1"), col("col2")))

where myUdaf is UDAF

Here you can find example how to implement UDAF: https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/spark-sql/udaf-scala.html


You can use groupByKey and mapGroups transformations from Dataset API:

  .mapGroups{case (group, values) =>
    (group, aggregator(values))

where aggregator is Scala function responsible for aggregating collection of objects.

If you don't need aggregating you can just map values using map transformation, example:

values.map(v => fun(...))

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