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How to copy files and paste in folder by creating a current date in batch script

I have a bunch of Excel Workbooks that update periodically. I want to copy these files every Sunday to the folder created with current date in the name (eg Workbooks-28.06.2017 ). I have written a batch script but it is not working.

What am I doing wrong?


@echo OFF

xcopy /s C:\Users\rerraboina\Desktop\tracker automation\Consolidation\test dynamic

for /f "skip=1" %%d in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined mydate set mydate=%%d
md %mydate:~0,8%

Here's an example:



PUSHD %~dp0

FOR /f "skip=1" %%d IN ('WMIC OS get LocalDateTime') DO IF NOT DEFINED myDate SET myDate=%%d
SET archiveDirName=Workbooks-%myDate:~0,8%
MD %archiveDirName%

XCOPY /S /I /Y "Excel Workbooks" %archiveDirName%\


"Excel Workbooks" is an example folder which contains multiple subfolders having on *.xlsx file in each.

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