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How to copy top 15 txt files from one folder in c drive to another folder in c drive using batch script?

I have two folders in C: drive.

I want to copy top 15 txt files from one folder to another folder. It is a daily repetitive task so I want to automate the process.

How can I copy those txt using batch script?

This is what I have but it does not work.

xcopy /s "C:\Documents" "C:\research"
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "i=0"
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir "C:\Documents" /O:-D') do if !i! lss 15 (
   copy "%%a" "C:\research"
   set /A i+=1

You may also add the /T switch in dir command to select the specific date used (creation, last access or last mod).

I'd check this out:

Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

I think this is what you're looking for but I'm not sure it'll guarantee the first 15 files.

Since you don't have spaces the "" aren't required.

xcopy /s C:\Documents\*.txt C:\research\*.txt

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