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What is the reason behind deconstruction of function arguments in Flux?

I'm new to Flux and I wonder why argument deconstruction is so frequent. It creates a lot of noise for beginner, so I hope it's for a reason.

For example, something like this seems excessive at first glance:

function incrementIfOdd() {
  return (
    dispatch: (action: actionType) => void,
    getState: () => counterStateType
  ) => {
      const { counter } = getState();

      if (counter % 2 === 0) {


Also: How should I know if I should return an object or anonymous function like in code above?

Found at: https://github.com/chentsulin/electron-react-boilerplate/blob/master/app/actions/counter.js#L23

I used babeljs.io/repl/ to "translate" it in order to understand what this does .

None of the syntax in there is Flux (or Redux) specific:

  • The notations after dispatch and getState are type notations, presumably either for Flow or TypeScript
  • The const { counter } usage is an ES6 "destructuring assignment", and is a shorter way of saying const counter = getState().counter

With Redux, it's common to write "action creator" functions. Normal action creators return an action (a plain object with a type field). It's also common to write "thunk action creators", which return a function that can contain asynchronous logic or access the store like in the example you pasted.

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