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Inline image loads in IE but not Chrome or Firefox

In chrome / firefox I get


In IE I get


The code is

<li><a  target="_blank" href="file:///M:\CarpentariaShire\MapInfo_Tables\Vector_Data\Infrastructure\Transport\Roads\Road_Features\Signs\Signs_2017_005\{{feature.Image_Name.value}}"> <img src="M:\CarpentariaShire\MapInfo_Tables\Vector_Data\Infrastructure\Transport\Roads\Road_Features\Signs\Signs_2017_005\{{feature.Image_Name.value}}" alt="{{feature.Image_Name.value}}" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" </a> </li>

Where {{feature.Image_Name.value}} gets the image name from the table

This is being run in MapInfo, Spectrum Spatial Analyst (SSA) as a info template.

I looked at Images Not Appearing in Chrome and Firefox and Images not loading in firefox but I am not running an Ad blocker.

How can I get the images to load in chrome/firefox like in IE?

Local file access is not allowed in Chrome and Firefox for security reason.

You need to use a virtual directory or move your image folder into your web directory.

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