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Iterate and retrieve data from database

My database looks like this


Rockport and Palmont are the cities and they have locations, the locations are many but i'm just giving an example - So I wanted to retrieve the locations name and population

I came up with this code which works and shows me "Location1" for each city

$("#button").click(function() {
      var dbref = firebase.database().ref();
      .then(function(snapshot) {
        snapshot.forEach(function(datasnap) {
          var Location = datasnap.child("Location1/name").val();
          var Population = datasnap.child("Location1/population").val();             
          $( "#table" ).append( "<tr><td>" + Location + "</td><td>" + Population + "</td></tr>" );    

And the output for my html table is


It doesn't show "Location2" names and population because I didn't mention it obviously, In line 6 and 7 I can make it like this

var Location = datasnap.child("Location2/name").val();
var Population = datasnap.child("Location2/population").val();  

but like I said the locations can be as many as '20' and I need to write all locations down?

any way to outcome this?

You need to loop over the child data of each city. Firebase's Snapshot has a method forEach() that makes this easy. You already use this to loop over the cities, but you should also use it to loop over the locations in each city:

$("#button").click(function() {
  var dbref = firebase.database().ref();
  dbref.once("value").then(function(snapshot) {
    snapshot.forEach(function(citysnap) {
      citysnap.forEach(function(locationsnap) {
        var Location = locationsnap.child("name").val();
        var Population = locationsnap.child("population").val();             
        $( "#table" ).append( "<tr><td>" + Location + "</td><td>" + Population + "</td></tr>" );    

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