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How to get a page not redirect to the main

I'm absolute beginner at JSP and Spring framework and annotations. I've built a standard CRUD application, but have one issue. Whenever i want add , edit or delete a user, application redirects me to main "user" page, if i'm on a page, with an index more than 1. How can i make it stay still on a page, where i do all actions above?

For example, when i want to edit "Tom Hanks"(14, page number 2)

It redirects me to the 1st page

But i want it to be still on the same page, where i add , edit or delete

UserController class is below

public class UserController
    private UserService userService;

    public void setUserService(UserService userService)
        this.userService = userService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "users", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String listUsers(@RequestParam(value="page", required = false) Long page, Model model) {
        if (null == page)
            page = 1L;
        model.addAttribute("user", new User());
        model.addAttribute("searcheduser", new User());
        model.addAttribute("listUsers", userService.getUsers(page));
        model.addAttribute("page", page);

        return "users";

    @RequestMapping(value = "/users/add", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String addUser(@ModelAttribute("user") User user) {
        if(user.getId() == 0)
        return "redirect:/users";

    public String removeUser(@PathVariable("id") int id)
        return "redirect:/users";

    public String editUser(@PathVariable("id") int id, @RequestParam(value="page", required = false) Long page, Model model) {
        if (null == page) page = 1L;
        model.addAttribute("user", userService.getUser(id));
        model.addAttribute("searcheduser", new User());
        model.addAttribute("listUsers", userService.getUsers(page));
        model.addAttribute("page", page);

        return "users";

    public String userData(@PathVariable("id") int id, Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("user", userService.getUser(id));

        return "userdata";

    @RequestMapping(value="searchresults", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String searchResults(@ModelAttribute("searcheduser") User user, Model model) {
        List<User> searchResult = userService.getUsers(user.getName());
        model.addAttribute("listUsers", searchResult);

        return "searchresults";

Add the page as a parameter on redirect for remove and edit :

public String editUser(@PathVariable("id") int id, @RequestParam(value="page", required = false) Long page, Model model) {
    if (null == page) page = 1L;
    model.addAttribute("user", userService.getUser(id));
    model.addAttribute("searcheduser", new User());
    model.addAttribute("listUsers", userService.getUsers(page));
    model.addAttribute("page", page);

    return "redirect:/users?page="+page;

The same for remove .

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