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How to delete QML object

I am trying to delete QML object and recreate object like this:

    property var obj

    signal videoStopped(variant complete)

    function recreate(url){
            obj = videoComponet.createObject(root)
                videoStopped(obj.status == MediaPlayer.EndOfMedia)
        obj.source = url
    function stop(){
        obj.destroy() // obj.deleteLater()
        id: videoComponet
        Video {
            anchors.fill: parent
            visible: true
            autoPlay: true; autoLoad: true

C++ side call recreate to generate an object and call stop to delete it.

  1. recreate ⇒ console output createObject

  2. stop

  3. recreate ⇒ console no output

Both obj.destroy() and obj.deleteLater() not worked. How to forcedly delete the dynamically created object just like delete in C++.

Use Loader instead.
It loads an Item dynamically and you can destroy it by setting sourceComponent property to undefined :

Loader {
    id: loader

Component {
    id: myDynComp
    Rectangle {
        width: 40; height: 40
        anchors.centerIn: parent

Row {
    Button {
        width: 120; height: 40
        text: "Load"
        onClicked: {
            loader.sourceComponent = myDynComp; //load/create component dynamically

    Button {
        width: 120; height: 40
        text: "UnLoad"
        onClicked: {
            loader.sourceComponent = undefined; //causes destoying loaded component

A minor change to SMMousavi's answer : I observed that setting sourceComponent to undefined does not work. I have to set it to null to unload the component. Another option is to set the source to empty string.

onClicked: {
    loader.sourceComponent = null; //causes destroying loaded component


onClicked: {
    loader.source = ""; //causes destroying loaded component

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