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How to access Elasticsearch remotely from Kibana Dashboard?

In simple terms, think of trying visualize your data via Kibana from any computer, but once you get to the Kibana dashboard you see 0 hits/results.

I currently have Elasticsearch on a Linux machine with no GUI (simply changing to a GUI is not allowed).

I'm trying to access my indexes using Kibana (Internet Explorer on a Windows machine).

I also have Kibana running on the Linux machine (./kibana), you can't access the Kibana machine via IP/domain unless you start the (./kibana).

But I don't know which ELK files to configure, and what to configure.

Kibana Dashboards are used to visualize the pre-configred charts, maps, time series etc.

You can not use them to do the administrative operations to your elastic search instance.

Although Kibana does have Dev Tools that you can use to query Elastic search and do mappings etc. To list all the indexes, the query to write in Dev Tools will be GET /_cat/indices?v

However, if you are looking for a GUI based tool to monitor and manage the clusters, nodes etc of Elastic Search, then you can opt for Monitoring that comes with the X-Pack

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